Boot Black emulsified cream formulated with quality waxes that provides color complementing and shining effec, characterised by thin spreadability and ease-of-use. A very fine pigment base will ensure the colour of the leather is rejuvenated and the three quality waxes will leave your shoes with a beautiful mild shine.
Content: 55gr
Columbus has been making shoe finishing creams and products used by the entire leather-related world for 100 years, from tanners to small retailers. The knowledge and results gathered over time are now encapsulated in the "BootBlack" series, the new brand completely made in Japan. The aim has been to give substance to the demands of each individual customer in today's world where footwear claims ever greater attention. Precisely by starting from the indications of polishing professionals, who work daily in order to make completely original shoes, the "BootBlack" series was born.